

Now, sometimes we call this whole
perspective-taking deal 'Theory of Mind.' It's like having a theory about what's cooking in someone else's mental kitchen.

Why does it matter? Well, it turns you into a social ninja. You become patient, understanding, and basically, a human decoder of wants and needs. In the world of developmental psychology, this is like
leveling up in the game of life. 

Even back in the preschool days, kids can rock perspective-taking. Picture this: a little one sees a buddy upset and wants to help. Maybe they pat their friend on the shoulder and say, "It's okay." Or they might go full-on superhero and let the teacher know, "Hey, Billy needs backup; he's feeling down."

These mini-mind readers get that Billy is in a funk, and they know how that feels, even if they're in a good mood. They're not brushing him off, going overboard, or getting annoyed. They get it—Billy’s got a different perspective, and they're there to lend a hand. It's like emotional intelligence in action, making the world a bit more understanding and awesome.


Let’s now imagine you have a pair of magical glasses that let you see the world in a special way. These glasses help you
understand that everyone sees things a bit differently, like having your own unique view of a fantastic playground.

  1. Magic Glasses: Think of perspective as putting on magic glasses. When you wear them, you see the world through your own eyes, and it's like having a special filter that makes everything look just right for you.
    2. Your Story, My Story: Imagine you and your friend go on a fantastic adventure. When you both come back and tell the story, it might sound a little different. That's because you each have your own perspective—your own way of seeing and experiencing things.
    3. Tallest Tower vs. Coolest Slide: Let's say you're in a playground with a friend. You might be super excited about the tall tower to climb, but your friend might be all about the awesome slide. That's because you both have your own favorite things based on your perspective.


Magic Glasses
What do you see through yours?


  1. Drawing Time: Grab some crayons and paper! Draw a big, beautiful tree in the middle. Now, imagine you're a bird in the tree, and your friend is a bunny on the ground. Draw what the tree looks like from your bird's eye view and what it looks like from the bunny's perspective. Same tree, different views!
  2. Inside Out and Outside In: Have you ever worn your clothes inside out by accident? Oops! Well, sometimes, it's like seeing the world from the inside out or the outside in. Each way gives you a different perspective.
  3. Super Spy Goggles: Picture yourself as a super spy with special goggles. These goggles help you see hidden things and secrets. Well, perspective is like having those goggles for understanding how everyone has their own special way of looking at things.


  1. Teamwork Vision: Build the tallest tower you can, that does not topple, using everything and anything in your training centre (kicking pads, punching pads, wavemasters etc.) You and your classmates have different ideas about how to make it awesome. When you put your ideas together, the tower becomes even more fantastic! That's the magic of teamwork and different perspectives.
  2. The Colorful Puzzle: Think of the world like a giant puzzle. Each person is a puzzle piece with their own shape and color. When you put all the pieces together, you get a beautiful picture—the world! Everyone's piece is important.
  3. Changing Seasons: Imagine you're in a magical forest, and it's changing from winter to spring. In winter, you might love the snowy wonderland, but your friend might be waiting for the flowers and sunshine of spring. Same forest, different perspectives as it changes.
  4. Picture Day: On picture day, you and your friends all line up to take a photo. Each person smiles and poses in their own way. When you look at the photo, it's like a collage of everyone's unique perspective frozen in time.


So, perspective is like having your own special way of looking at the world. It's what makes you and your friends wonderfully different. Just like a big, colorful storybook, life is full of exciting pages, and everyone's perspective adds a splash of magic to the adventure!

Perspective can also help get us through trauma in our life. So it is like having a superpower for facing tough stuff in life. Imagine you're on a wild adventure, and sometimes, the path gets rocky. Put on those magic glasses again and they can help you see things in a way that makes the tough times a bit more manageable.

When you face something really hard, like a big challenge or a sad moment, using perspective is like having a secret weapon. It's not about ignoring the tough stuff, but it's about looking at it from different angles, almost like solving a puzzle.

Let's say you're feeling really upset about something. Perspective is like having a friend in your mind who says, "Hey, I get that this stinks right now, but let's think about it in a way that might make it a bit less heavy."

For adults, perspective might mean thinking bigger and more long-term. “I know I am devastated now about this, but will this really matter at all in 5 years?” So, why invest so much energy in this now, when in the grand scheme of things, this is only a tiny blip on the radar of life.

Maybe it's thinking about what you can learn from the tough times or realizing that
even superheroes have their off days. It's like being a detective in your own story, finding clues that help you understand and deal with the hard stuff.

And here's the cool part—using perspective doesn't mean you have to do it alone. You can talk to your
friends, family, instructor or even a grown-up you trust. They might have different perspectives that can help you see the light at the end of the tunnel.

So, when life throws challenges your way, put on your magical perspective glasses. Look at the situation like a
puzzle, and remember, you're the hero of your story, equipped with the amazing power to tackle tough times with a bit more courage and understanding.

  • The instructors at Excel Chilliwack are excellent. They are great with children, teens and adults. I've seen how much the kids just love their instructors. They are great role models - strict, but caring and loving. The training area is massive and allows plenty of space for training. Highly recommend.
  • My husband and I decided we wanted our girls in something that will teach them discipline, strength, and ways to defend themselves. After looking at a few other places we decided on Excel and it was the best choice ever. The teachers and student helpers are simply amazing and truly care about the children and helping them. We have found our forever home with Excel!
  • I would rate higher if i could. Amazing instructors that actually care about the kids achieving goals and succeeding. I have taken my child to other Karate classes before and it was basically let the kids run around for 30 minutes. Excel is totally different and my child loves going. Thank-you to Adam and his amazing team.
  • We are having the most amazing experience here at Chilliwack Excel Martial Arts. My daughter done a lot of different types of activities but this is by far her favourite.
    Every day she she is having so much fun while learning so many new things and making life long friendships! Teachers are amazing and such good role models for the kids.
    100% recommend giving them a try, and the first class is free if you are unsure if this is for you or your kid!
  • Excel Martial Arts Chilliwack isn't just a gym. It really is a family, with how much care goes into the students that train. They have proficiently adapted to COVID restrictions and keep their gym in super clean condition. I highly recommend this gym to anyone, such a genuine and positive atmosphere!

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