EMA Rules & Regulations – Competitor

EMA Rules & Regulations – Competitor

Forms Divisions

Forms are judged based on how well the student / competitor can perform the set sequence of movements.
The Form must be an EMA form from our EMA curriculum. The competitor must perform the same
techniques as the Form requires, however, the individual has freedom to make minor modifications based
on their own body type to present the best or safest way for them to compete.

Ring Management

  • One head Judge
  • One or two Assistant Judges
  • All competitors staged off to the side

Judges use the following guidelines:

  1. Posture / Stance
  2. Eye Focus
  3. Timing
  4. Speed
  5. Power
  6. Energy and overall Flow

Judges deduct points when:

  1. The competitor stops because they have forgotten the movement, but DO NOT deduct points for
    a stoppage for safety.
  2. The competitor performs the form in the wrong direction or uses the incorrect technique.
  3. The competitor accidentally strikes another competitor while performing.
  4. There is repeated eye contact with judges. 
  5. In Team Forms if one competitor is off timing, demonstrates poor technique compared to their
    partner, or forgets the form

EMA Rules & Regulations – Competitor

Weapons Divisions

Competitors in the weapons division are judged based on how well they control their chosen weapon and
perform the form as intended.

Weapons Forms are judged based on how well the student / competitor can perform the set sequence of
movements. The Weapons Form must be an EMA form from our EMA curriculum. The competitor must
perform the same techniques as the Weapon Form requires, however, the individual has freedom to make
minor modifications based on their own body type to present the best or safest way for them to compete.

Ring Management

  • One head Judge
  • One or two Assistant Judges
  • All competitors staged off to the side

Judges use the following guidelines:

  1. Weapon Flow / Control / Proper angle and direction of weapon movements
  2. Posture / Stance
  3. Eye Focus
  4. Timing
  5. Speed
  6. Power
  7. Energy and overall Flow

Judges deduct points when:

  1. The competitor stops because they have forgotten the movement, but DO NOT deduct points for
    a stoppage for safety. 
  2. The competitor performs the Form in the wrong direction or uses the incorrect technique.
  3. The competitor Drops their weapon.
  4. The competitor accidentally strikes another competitor while performing.
  5. There is repeated eye contact with judges.
  6. The competitor purposely slams their weapon down in frustration.
  7. In Team Weapons (if the division exists) - if one competitor is off-timing, demonstrates poor
    technique compared to their partner, drops their weapon, or forgets the form.

EMA Rules & Regulations – Competitor

All Combat Divisions

These rules apply to both sparring and grappling divisions.

  • All PPE (personal protective equipment) must be worn. No exceptions.
  • Mouth guards must be molded, and custom fitted to each participant. No sharing of mouthguards.
    This is a severe choking hazard.
  • All earrings, nose-rings or any body piercings must be removed before competition. If they are
    not removed, then they must be taped over and secured.
  • Hair must be tied back.
  • Fingernails and toenails must be kept trimmed.
  • Foul language is grounds for points deduction or immediate disqualification.
  • Arguing with the referee or corner judges is grounds for point deduction or immediate
  • No body slamming or slamming the opponent.
  • No neck cranks.
  • No eye gouges, groin strikes, hair pulling, scratching, clawing, biting.
  • In grappling there is NO STRIKING.
  • No axe kicks. No spinning back fists. All spinning kicks must be controlled.
  • Two hands must be on the ground for low section sweeps.
  • No finger locks, and no finger manipulation. No toes locks or manipulation.

EMA Rules & Regulations – Competitor

Grappling Divisions

Safety is number one in this area of competition. Please read the following regulations to ensure that you
compete in the safest manner possible.

Equipment – Grappling

All Competitors MUST have the appropriate equipment to take part in the sport. It is the Head Referee’s
responsibility to ensure all students have the proper EMA protective gear.

  1. Mouth guard.
  2. Groin cups. (male students / competitors)

*A competitor may not compete under any circumstances without the proper safety equipment
outlined above. No exceptions can be made. Competitors or parents that disagree with this must
speak to the head Referee Adjudicator. *


  1. NO slamming
  2. NO standing straight up. Standing is only allowed if there is a point of contact with an opponent.
  3. NO striking.
  4. NO smothering.
  5. NO neck cranks.
  6. No toe/finger manipulation.
  7. NO abusive or poor sportsmanship allowed from the competitor or competitors or competitors corner (match will end immediately and will be an automatic loss)

Dangerous Submission (when the match should end)

Note: the below techniques are allowed but need to be applied in a VERY controlled fashion. If the
referee feels there is any danger whatsoever, they may halt the match.

  1. Arm bar: Competitor Arm is fully extended.
  2. Shoulder locks: Competitors arm is locked up by the other competitor.
  3. Ankle/Knee locks: Competitors ankle or knee is locked up by the other competitor.
  4. All Chokes: Competitor has secured a tight choke.

Rules – Grappling

Time Limit
2 Minutes, continuous time. Time is only stopped due to injury or equipment malfunction and only
when directed by the head referee.


  1.  Each Position will need to be held for 3 seconds for points to be awarded.
  2. Points cannot be awarded for the same position twice in a row unless substantial time has passed.
  • Side Control = 1 point – Two knees in or one leg straight out, chest to chest contact
  • Top Control = 2 points – Two knees down on ground on both sides of opponent
  • Guard = 1 point – Ankles lock above the tailbone
  • Back Control = 3 points – Must be hooking the opponent's legs. NO point for body triangle
  • Knee on Belly = 1 point – Knee on belly with other leg posted out with any 2 points of
  • Sweeps = 2 points – A Reversal that the bottom person initiates and switches the roles of top
    and bottom. If a sweep leads to a position wait until they hold the position for 3 seconds to
    award a point for the sweep and position.
  • Takedown (Black Belts) = 2 points - Takedown must be with intent

Division of Belts – Grappling (This division is orange belt and over only)

Colour Belt Kids (12 & Under)

  • Starting on the ground from a combat base or seated guard or neutral position
  • NO standing straight up. Standing is only allowed if there is a point of contact with an opponent.
  • NO Submissions
  • Sleeves must be rolled down

Teen / Adults (13 & Older)

  • Starting on the ground from a combat base or seated guard or neutral position
  • NO standing straight up. Standing is only allowed if there is a point of contact with an opponent.
  • Submissions = Tap Out Match is Over
  • Sleeves must be rolled down

Black Belts

  • Starting from standing
  • Submissions = Tap Out Match is Over
  • Sleeves must be rolled down
  • Once a takedown from standing has occurred, opponents must maintain contact if they are to stand up during a match

EMA Rules & Regulations – Competitor

Sparring Divisions

Safety is number one in this area of competition. Please read the following regulations to ensure that you
compete in the safest manner possible

Equipment – Sparring

All Competitors MUST have the appropriate equipment to take part in the sport. It is the Head Referee’s
responsibility to ensure all students have the proper EMA protective gear.

  1. EMA approved sparring gloves.
  2. EMA approved shin / foot guard.
  3. Mouth Guard – must be molded and fit to competitors’ mouth. 
  4. Groin cups. (male students / competitors)
  5. Chest Protector (This equipment can be borrowed from the tournament equipment gear)
  6. Helmet (This equipment can be borrowed from the tournament equipment gear)

*A competitor may not compete under any circumstances without the proper safety equipment
outlined above. No exceptions can be made. Competitors or parents that disagree with this must
speak to the head Referee Adjudicator. *

Rules and Division of Belts – Sparring

Time Limit

Colour Belts 1 Round = 1 minute and 30 seconds
Black Belts, 2 Rounds = 1 minute each
Time is only stopped due to injury or equipment malfunction and only when directed by the head referee.
10 points Maximum Match is Over - This will prevent lobsided losses. Matches may also be stopped if
the referee feels a competitor is at risk of being injured or not engaging back. If the score is close and one
person reaches 10 points, the match will continue at the referee's discretion.


Beginners (White - Orange BLK)

ONLY Striking Combinations

  • Head = 1 point - Backfist
  • *Torso = 1 point - Hand and foot techniques. Target is stomach, chest, ribs/under arms, and side
    of back where chest gear protects it. The spine or center of the back is NOT a point. The back of
    the head is NOT a point

*Note: the spine is NOT a target, however the chest gear wraps under the arms across the ribs and around
the back. Any place where there is red or blue padding is fair game for a point. E.g., A roundhouse kick to
the ribs which wraps around and touches the outer edges of the back is a point.

Intermediate (Green - Purple BLK)

  • Head = 1 point - Backfist
  • *Torso = 1 point - Hand and foot techniques
  • **Throwing / Takedowns = 1 point for the takedown and 1 point for the dominant position on the

*Note: the spine is NOT a target, however the chest gear wraps under the arms across the ribs and around
the back. Any place where there is red or blue padding is fair game for a point. E.g., A roundhouse kick to
the ribs which wraps around and touches the outer edges of the back is a point.

**Note: A 5 second time limit will be applied to throw / takedown your opponent, with an additional 5
second to take the dominant position on the ground after the throw has been completed. This gives the
person who was being thrown an opportunity to reverse the throw and score a point for position too.

Advanced / Black Belts (Red & Above)

  • Head = 1 point – Backfist
  • Head = 2 points – clean controlled kick. Kick must be controlled by the snap of the leg, too much
    power will result in a warning followed by minus point and disqualification on third infraction)
  • *Torso = 1 point - Hand and foot techniques
  • **Throwing / Takedowns = 1 point for the takedown and 1 point for the dominant position on the
  • Hand/Foot Combo = 2 points. Two clean techniques to different areas of the body. E.g., Backfist
    to side of head, roundhouse to body.
  • Low Section Sweep Touch = 1 point for clean touch of lower leg. Above the knee is a stern
    warning. The second infraction is a point minus.
  • Low Section Sweep Takedown = 2 points for low section that takes the opponent down.
  • Safety Point = 1 point.
    1. Scored when opponent misses low section, and they are tagged before they stand back up.
    2. Scored when low section touches, but opponent tags the leg or back before the sweeper
    stands up.
    3. Scored when opponent stumbles/falls/trips to the ground and they are tagged before they
    stand up

*Note: the spine is NOT a target, however the chest gear wraps under the arms across the ribs and around
the back. Any place where there is red or blue padding is fair game for a point. E.g., A roundhouse kick to
the ribs which wraps around and touches the outer edges of the back is a point.

**Note: A 5 second time limit will be applied to throw / takedown your opponent, with an additional 5
second to take the dominant position on the ground after the throw has been completed. This gives the
person who was being thrown an opportunity to reverse the throw and score a point for position too.

Illegal Techniques/Grounds for Point Deduction or Disqualification

Note on point deductions – in EMA points are never taken away from a competitor. When a point
deduction is given, the opposition (the target of the illegal point) is awarded 1 point. E.g., The score is
5:4 for competitors A:B. Competitor B, after one warning for a low kick, does it again. Competitor B is
given a point deduction, making the score 6:4.

  • Shin strikes, Toe Stomps, Knee strikes
  • Any strikes to the groin
  • Face punches, face kicks, hair pulling.
  • Axe kicks – crescent kicks are allowed but must be in a crescent/half circle motion to target the
    side of the opponent, as opposed to downward striking as in axe kicks.
  • Any striking while in a clinch.
  • Any strikes while grappling.
  • Any stand-up kicks to the legs, from hips down.
  • Low section sweep kicks which strike at or above the knee.
  • Elbow, hammer, claw, ridgehands
  • The neck is not a target.
  • The spine is not a target.
  • Overly aggressive strikes - forceful hook or spinning kicks to the head.
  • Running out of the ring - two warnings are given. After that, it is a 1-point deduction for each occurrence.

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